By FSG Dev
USC’s Doctoral Program in Biokinesiology ranked 12th in nation by National Academy of Kinesiology

USC’S PHD PROGRAM IN BIOKINESIOLOGY has been ranked 12th in the nation by the National Academy of Kinesiology, when faculty size is accounted for.
The ranking places the division among the top 20 percent of the nation’s programs.
It’s an honor for our biokinesiology program to be ranked among the upper tier of kinesiology programs in the country,” said Professor and Associate Chair Chris Powers DPT ’96, who is director of the division’s biokinesiology program. “We see this as an external endorsement of our outstanding research program, faculty, and students.
The National Academy of Kinesiology ranks programs every five years, with the 2020 ranking reflecting the calendar years of 2015-2019. The last ranking, which took place in 2015, placed USC at 15th in the nation, when adjusted for faculty size.
National Academy of Kinesiology rankings take into consideration faculty data related to participation (number of publications, book chapters and presentations), research funding amounts and visibility (number of editors, National Academy of Kinesiology fellows and National fellows).
The rankings also reflect student data related to admissions (GRE scores, selectivity [percentage of students accepted vs. applications received]), support (assistantships), publications and employment (number of postdocs as well as those who wind up employed in the field).