12.06.2024 - 12.07.2024
Management of Acute Sports Injuries and Illnesses
Jesse Grullon, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS
Sharae Tejada, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS
CEUs:1.4 (14 hours)
Cost:Cost varies
09.06.2024 - 10.28.2024
USC Spine Rehabilitation Seminar Series
Joseph Godges, DPT, MA, FAPTA
Liz Poppert, PT, DPT, MS, OCS
Yogi Matharu, PT, DPT, OCS
Daniel Kirages, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Brittany Kim, PT, DPT, OCS
Cost:Costs vary by learner affiliation and number of modules attended. Visit registration page for more information.
Module 1: Managing Spinal Pain with Manual Therapy and Movement (Sept. 6-9, 2024) (In-Person) (2.9 CEUs)
Module 2: Integrating Imagery, Education and Counseling for Patients with Back and Neck Pain (Oct. 25-28, 2024) (In-Person) (2.9 CEUs)
07.26.2024 - 01.11.2025
USC Sports Seminar Series
Jesse Grullon, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS
Kenneth Kim, PT, DPT, CSCS, OCS
Jonathan C. Sum, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, FASSET
Kimiko Yamada PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CLT, CSCS
Lori Michener, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS, FAPTA
Susan Sigward, PT, PhD
Cost: Costs vary by learner affiliation and number of modules attended. Visit registration page for more information.
Module 1: Emergency Response, Cervical Spine (July 26-27, 2024) (Hybrid format) (1.3 CEUs)
Module 2: Lower Extremity Movement Analysis and Retraining (September 27-28, 2024) (Hybrid format) (1.05 CEUs)
Module 3: Lower Extremity Imaging (September 29, 2024) (Online format) (.3 CEUs)
Module 4: Medical Conditions, Nutrition, Sports Psychology (November 15-16, 2024) (Hybrid format) (1.1 CEUs)
Module 5: Upper Extremity and Spine Imaging (November 17, 2024) (Online format) (.4 CEUs)
Module 6: Upper Extremity Sports (January 10-11, 2025) (Hybrid format) (1.4 CEUs)
07.13.2024 - 07.14.2024
Emergency Response for the Athlete
Jesse Grullon, PT, DPT, ATC, SCS
Sharae Tejada, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS
CEUs:1.4 CEUs (14 contact hours)
Cost:Regular Registration $620
USC Alumni $450
USC Clinical Instructor (CI) $450
USC Clinical Faculty, Student $300
Participants have the option to purchase a backpack with sideline medical supplies for an additional $150.
Hands-On Lab in CHP G38
This course is one of the Acute Management of Injury and Illness Courses Approved by ABPTS Sports Specialty Council for Initial Certification, Recertification, and Maintenance (see listing in Pathway 1).
This course is mandatory for:
· Sports Certified Specialists who wish to recredential
· Applicants entering a Sports Residency
· Professionals who would like to be able to perform on field coverage safely.
Integrating Yoga in Cancer Rehabilitation
Marisa Perdomo, PT, DPT, MS
CEUs:.10 Lecture Only/.20 Lecture and Lab
Cost:$20 Lecture Only/$30 Lecture and Lab/Free for USC DPT students and alumni as well as USC clinical faculty, USC residents and fellows
Course Time: 5-6 p.m. Lecture (hybrid), 6-7 Optional Hands-On Lab (in-person)
Location: Lecture - Zoom link (provided after registration)/Lab (Center for Health Professions G4)
2024 Sykes Symposium in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Evidence Based Therapeutic Intervention for Birth to 3-Year-Olds
Residents/Fellows/USC CI/USC Alums - $250 OT/PT/Early Childhood/ Psych / Neuroscience Students - $150 Team Registrations (3 or more) - $250 Motor Development Lab Collaborators - $250
Physical Therapy Considerations in End-of-Life Care
Lydia In, PT, DPT, MSPT, GCS
Lauren Vera, PT, DPT
Cost:$20; Free for CI for USC DPT Students, USC DPT Alumni, Clinical Faculty, Residents and Fellows
Hybrid: In-Person at CHP
Basics of Lymphedema Management
Kimiko Yamada PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CLT, CSCS
Cost:$20; Free for CI for USC DPT Students, USC DPT Alumni, Clinical Faculty, Residents and Fellows
5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. PDT
Head and Neck Cancer Rehabilitation
Kimiko Yamada PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CLT, CSCS
Cost:$20; Free for CI for USC DPT Students, USC DPT Alumni, Clinical Faculty, Residents and Fellows
5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. PDT
Masterclass: Spinal Manipulation
Philip Tehan, Dip. Osteo., Dip. Physiotherapy, MHSc, MACP
Cost:Regular Registration: $400
USC Alumni: $300 (25% discount)
Clinical Instructor, USC faculty: $250 (38% discount)
USC Resident/Fellow: $200 (50% discount)
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PDT
CHP G38, USC Health Sciences Campus
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