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USC BKNPT Black Alumni Association

Black DPT alumni in white coats


Why We Exist

The lack of representation of Black people in physical therapy has been a known problem since our profession’s inception. Black people make up almost 13 percent of our nation’s population, however, currently fewer than 4 percent of physical therapy students identify as Black, and fewer than 5 percent of working physical therapists identify as Black. Furthermore, fewer than 3 percent of the American Physical Therapy Association members identify as Black. This lack of representation is apparent throughout academia and health care, from the clinical level to institutional leadership.

Students, professionals and, most importantly, patients are greatly affected by this lack of representation, as minority providers disproportionately provide care to underserved populations. Thus, the USC Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy Black Alumni Association was established to change these inequities, increase representation within our profession and serve those populations affected the most by healthcare disparities.


Vision and Mission Statement



To change the landscape for optimal equity and inclusion within the USC Trojan Family, physical therapy profession and community at large.


The USC Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy Black Alumni Association uplifts and empowers Black PT and BKN students and alumni by providing CARE:

  • Community
  • Advocacy
  • Representation
  • Equity


Black USC DPT students hanging out on couch

The Students

We work alongside departmental faculty aiding in recruitment, retention and improvement of the experience for Black students at USC. We promote clinical and professional excellence by providing career mentoring, scholarship and outreach.

The Alumni

We serve as a network between the students, faculty and alumni. We are dedicated to increasing representation and the advancement of Black rehabilitation professionals in healthcare by empowering alumni to overcome biased systems and advocate for diversity.

The Community

We will improve the quality of life of the communities we serve through advocacy and volunteerism. We aim to increase cultural competence in healthcare. Our goal is to uplift and continually encourage our community towards greatness.




Organizational Structure


Executive Board

Sean Johnson portrait

Sean Johnson


Amanda Rosette portrait

Amanda Rosette
Director of Mentorship


Adili Rikondja portrait

Adili Rikondja
Director of Social Media

Felicia Reels portrait

Felicia Reels
Vice President


Ashley Sinclair portrait

Ashley Sinclair
Director of Membership and Outreach

Margaret Pittman portrait

Maggie Pittman
Director of Leadership Development

Robyn Bucker portrait

Robyn Bucker


Todd Norwood portrait

Todd Norwood
Director of Fundraising


Nia Toomer portrait

Nia Toomer
Director of National/International Outreach

Chelsea Walden portrait

Chelsea Walden


Rahnia Hassan portrait

Rahnia Hassan
Director of Scholarship


Organizational Structure



Malcolm Jones portrait

Malcolm Jones
BKN Liaison

Didi Matthews portrait

Didi Matthews
Faculty Liaison

Students hiking

Stay Connected


Stay connected with your fellow Black alumni through the USCBKNPT Black Alumni Association. Follow us on social media for regular updates.



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  • Second Annual Mentorship Program May 2022
  • Second Annual 5K fundraiser May 1st, 2022
  • CSM Poster Presentation February 5th, 2022.   Association leadership presented at CSM 2022.  Presentation was centered around the creation of the USC BKN & PTBAA and how it can be used as a model for the creation of other similar associations.
  • Second Annual “Black Love for Black Businesses”  Event during Black History Month hosted by the Membership and Outreach Committee February 2021
  • Membership and Outreach Committee in collaboration with our Mentorship Committee hosted a Fall Meet and Greet with students: “Fellowship, Fun, & Conversation” on October 28th, 2021
  • The Mentorship Committee hosted its first Professional Development Workshop: Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills on October 7th, 2021
  • Association leadership presented at the USC BAA Student Summit: March 31st, 2021
  • The USC BKN & PTBAA was highlighted in the California Physical Therapy Association Newsletter (California PT Notes) February 25, 2021
  • First Annual “Black Love for Black Businesses” Event during Black History Month hosted by the Membership and Outreach Committee February 2021
  • Launched a Mentorship Program connecting 8 mentees and mentors May 2021.  Hosted by Mentorship Committee.
  • First Annual Virtual 5K fundraiser hosted in conjunction with DPT Hybrid class of 2022 raising